Monday, January 7, 2013


In science class we learned about different forms of energy and about how energy is transferred from one object to another. Through life I learned about emotional energy and how it's transferred, it has the same properties of kinetic and potential but the effects vary on the person it is affecting. Emotional energy is very powerful and can illicit unpredictable responses especially when the energy is at its peak. This post is going to be less about  how this is transferred and more about my experience of transferred emotional energy.

For the sake of simplicity I'm going to talk about the two extremes, positive and negative. While I was pursuing my degree in college I had a few good roommates and a couple of roommates I didn't necessarily vibe with. Actually let me revise the last statement I had a few great roommates, friggen awesome ones who are going to do great things with their lives. Anyway at this point you may be thinking "What's your point? We've all had shitty roommates, what makes you think you'd be an exception to this." My answer to you is I didn't think I would, slow ya role. What I want you to think about is the circumstances surrounding your crappy roommates, how they affected you and even the time that they were placed in your life because everything happens for a reason.

During the four years of my college career I went from one roommate, to three roommates, to one roommate to two roommates. Dynamics are important at least in my opinion in regards to introspection. The first year I had a an awesome roommate, with whom I got along very well with throughout the school year. Second year two out of three good roommates but after the third one stopped being my roommate we became friends. Third year great roommate, fourth same great roommate with additional not so great roommate. Each of them had different effects on my psyche and there were things that I gained from each. Examples would be my first roommate was very positive, hard working and spent most of his time in our dorm studying. Next year I was placed with him again along with a roommate that taught me that if you just work hard and don't set aside time for fun you'll go crazy. Third roommate was almost a hybrid of the first two roommates he was a hard worker who regimented his time from day to night balancing the multitude of extracurricular activities he has under his belt with his classes but he always took the time aside to have fun and whoop his friends in fighting games. When it comes to the grand scheme of things these were great people to be around and from living with them, I learned a fair amount and I know the individuals I am speaking of have success in their future.

Now on to the negative and what I learned from the negative, because focusing on the negative and not taking away any knowledge inhibits growth. Things happen for a reason; the good, the bad and the ugly. The third roommate lived life at a different pace than other college students and was a fairly wise individual. There was a generational discord between me, my other roommates and him. Again after we stopped being roommates, we were able to understand our differences and get along well. The last roommate to put it bluntly I had a extreme disdain for his being. Timing is everything and on a very basic level I had just quit smoking cigarettes so my temperature was very volatile at the time. But also his traits were in a direct conflict with mine, he was studying business and I would say his persona as well as his persuasive abilities made that almost the perfect thing for him. I quickly learned that he was a two faced individual and as one who prefers honest, upfront people as well. But he was who he was and I am who I am. I wish him well and I hope that he's working towards obtaining his goals whatever they are.

During that time I was living with those individuals I did not have the outlook I have now. Especially with the last roommate, I did not like him at all and all honestly I kinda wanted to fight him and in retrospect that wasn't good. I let someone disrupt my own personal peace and I knew on many aspects he would do things just to spite me. More than likely I did the same thing. But the lesson was there, I had mostly good roommates up into that point and I was supposed to learn that I will not always live in favorable conditions.I will not always be surrounded by the positive and in those instances I have to be stronger than I was before. As I work to reach my personal and professional goals I have to keep that in mind because again I am not in favorable conditions. Sometimes as people we like to dwell in the positive and avoid the negative and in those instances when the negative comes about it can consume you. The point where I had the worst roommate, I ended up being the most productive artistically. I spent most of my free time in the studio painting, at most times until 3 am in the school's studio space. I have to do the same thing right now to get out of the unfavorable circumstances I am in right now.

work in progress

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