Monday, February 11, 2013

Looking back to look forward

I was actually planning to write a blog earlier but things happened and in many ways I was put in a creative slump for a couple weeks. Things like that happen just like things beyond our control work to take us off our path and make us submit and accept failure. Along with this blog, I have older posts from Myspace days and some other entries. Occasionally I like to look back on these posts, read them and see if I still agree with what I had to say around that time period. I'm not entirely too sure how I'm going to do these posts yet or how frequently I will do these type of posts. This is more or less the tester post.

Life: September 1, 2007
What is it to live? Why do people regret the things they do with their lives? Why do successful people regret more than people without riches? Explanations are needed for these questions. Do you have an answer? Are you honestly happy with yourself? Are you happy with the decisions you made in your life? Would you go back and change the past? Do you believe that you have led the life you wanted to live so far? Are you living for anyone else?

The answers to these questions aren't simple. But there are answers, people who do not accept these answers are only harming themselves. Introspection is the key. Look at yourself before anything. Know who you are and achieve happiness through yourself.


To be honest I don't remember the context under which I wrote this post being that it was in 2007. I know I was a couple of weeks into college, but honestly idk if that holds any relevance either to the point of which I began this questioning. I still believe what I was saying in this blog post and to be honest I'm still working on these questions. Recently I have been faced with a situation of whether I will live my own life or live my life for someone else. Following your own dreams isn't easy but anything worth while isn't easy. I believe that once we go through our individual struggles we can look back at our hardships, laugh and say "Hey I looked fear in the eyes and kicked its ass." There are moments where we want to give up of course, but if we quit at something we're passionate about who are we cheating but ourselves?

1 comment:

  1. you were right about everything.
