Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Everybody dies

This is a post I originally started in 2012 around the time the series finale of House aired on fox. There are many reasons why this didn't get completed and there are probably other bloggers out there who have the same issue with certain posts that never end up seeing the light of day.

I cannot say that I am a huge House fan due to the fact that there are a ton of episodes and seasons I have missed due to the fact that I am not a huge television watcher. I gave the whole HULU thing a go and I just had very little motivation to go to that site regularly. However this last season of House had me absolutely hooked and I think I only missed one episode (forgot to set the DVR) of this last season. I watched the series Finale aired titled "Everybody Dies" and I have to say it was fucking brilliant. The episode began with Dr. House waking up on the floor of some random warehouse not that far from another man who he discovers is dead and at this moment a deceased member of his medical staff appears in front of him. The apparition tells him that the guy is dead and points out that the warehouse is on fire and that he should head for the door. What makes it even more interesting is that House doesn't try to make an exit instead he instead starts talking to the apparition who through the course of the episode we discover is a manifestation of his self conscience trying to reason with him to stay alive. Well I'm not an excellent explainer of things so it may not sound as epic as it was, but in my opinion it was for various reasons.

The first reason I would give is the fact that it was a very intense episode that dealt with the main character of the series looking for a reason to live. Throughout the season things began to unravel for House and it brought him to the point where he sought oblivion. It was a great climax and House went out like the genius he was. I won't give too many spoilers because people get all whiney about that type of stuff. I do have to say that House's final moment in the warehouse was almost poetic in a sense. The timing, the whole inner dialogue being made external for the audience, it worked.

The second reason is that as a viewer I could relate to the main character's plight. Honestly sometimes it all seems pointless, hopeless, depressing or whatever other word you can think of. There are external elements that we have to combat against every day. Depression is a beast and there are times where we can easily be sucked in and succumb to negative thoughts. Originally in this post I started complaining about my situation at the time and that honestly was the stopping point of the post because I started to get a bit personal. Honestly there was multiple things going on at the time that made me consider my own oblivion much like House contemplated his. External forces become internal after you hear them enough times. When you are surrounded by a negative force it's harder to fight against those forces. Most times we are put in those situations and removing ourselves from them may not be an option or may not even be a simple option.

Between the time that this blog was originally developed and now I was on and off with a battle of my own that I had to trudge through. Things were put in perspective for me during the summer however when a friend of mine took his life. We're all battling our own battles, most times we feel isolated because there are moments when we feel as though we need someone and they aren't there. It's a selfish thought because those folk are out there fighting their own battles as well. We have to look within ourselves and look to a higher power to find the true strength to carry on. When all seems hopeless as long as you stay patient and keep believing, anything is possible. It can't rain forever.

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