Friday, February 3, 2012

If only I could think of a logical name for this one

      January has come and gone and we are now in the month of February and we all know what that means? Black history month... Don't be shy, you can applause and don't worry I'm not gonna bog you down with black history facts. Hopefully that stopped people from running away so now I can move on to my blog... Before I move on I will address my thoughts on this month because I know some people will question why I am not a fan of he month. I think it's rediculous to give any period of time to an individual group of people. Black history month inexplicitly states that we should only consider black history this month and be reminded of the same select number of figures and what they did in that month. The worst people during this month are black people. You see more hypocrites than a little bit during this month. You encounter people with information about black history every day out of this brief month and then for the rest of the year it goes unheard and unacknowledged. Why even have this month? It's almost a slap in the face because it's the most intolerant form of tolerance. Why give any group of people a month when we should strive for equality and start taking color out of the equation. I'm black, when I wake up in the morning I'm black, when I go to sleep a night still black and while I'm sleeping too. There's no point in time where I can become hispanic, asian, indian or caucasian. Should I be proud of being black? Not really, I didn't have much of a choice did I? Nobody does that we know of, it's not like when we're born there's a character select screen.

Well I think I went on enough with my little spiel on that, here's an update on everything that's going on. In terms of videos, I have recently purchased a couple of backdrops and will soon be purchasing lights, a stand for the backdrop and cameras. It's a slow process but I feel like the outcome of these investments will be well worth it. In terms of my artwork, I took a bit of a break from oils and have just been focusing more on work lately. I recently did a digital piece which can be seen on my facebook page and I am planning out a couple of pieces. I'm really hoping things pan out in terms of getting this new equipment for film as well as the continued creation of my art. I appreciate everyone who has supported me even if they don't necessarily like all my work and I'ma keep at it and of course there's going to be more to come.


In my next blog I discuss side project


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