Friday, May 16, 2014

Pokemon is confused

I have to say I love Pokemon not only because the show, the card game and the game boy game was like a huge part of my childhood but the games continued to be good adventures that had me fully engulfed in the world. With that being said it seems that the world of Pokemon just doesn't know what to do with itself. Immediately I'm going to ignore the fact that this is a universe where people apparently stop aging at 10 until they become adults because it seems to be a common gripe. Ash will completely skip his teenage and young adult years if they ever decide to age him so fans will probably be pissed regardless. My main gripe with the series is that it just doesn't know what to do with itself. I haven't watched the show in years so the only thing I know about that is that Ash goes to new regions captures weak Pokemon, releases or just doesn't use his stronger bunch from other regions with the exception of Pikachu which is probably at level 500 by now. I have recently caught up on some of the movies though and I've noticed that each movie seems to give more ownership of the universe to Pokemon. It goes from a clone Pokemon and mew to Pokemon that have control over time and space and apparently a Pokemon that literally created the entire universe. This in itself isn't the confusing part about Pokemon, it's when you play Platinum and go to the Library and read the books. There is a book that says that Pokemon and humans were at one point indistinguishable from each other and lived together. This is where my confusion begins. This is also where I begin to wonder about this fictional history. At some point in that history there had to be some sort of Human uprising and if they were similar at one point what happened? I like the idea of expansion and development in a universe, however if your idea of expanding a universe is to make your history that convoluted I may not be with it. I can't be completely not with it because of the fact I am curious about the history and how it all ties together. Was there a human uprising against Pokemon, do the video game, movie and show worlds need to be kept in separate universes(Yes). I feel like early on in the Pokemon series they hinted at there being over hundreds of Pokemon so I don't think that the addition of new Pokemon is a bad thing. What I do think is a bad thing is when there's a Pokemon that is made out of a gear, a Pokemon that's a sword, and a Pokemon that looks like an ice cream cone. Like it went from hey we're discovering new creatures to hey I just found a random object, it might be a Pokemon! Should the Pokemon creators get their shit together? Totally not my call on that, they are doing what they're doing. They been rolling out games for awhile and they are doing well. I do think that as Pokemon expands they should also expand their games *Coughs*putitonaconsole*Coughs* but that's really up to Nintendo and Game freak.

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