Saturday, July 12, 2014

My encounter with a hero

Pre-read warning: I tried to not be mushy and sentimental but I failed. So this post is almost completely mushy.
 On July 11, 2014 I had the unique opportunity to meet one of my childhood heroes, the original Red Ranger from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. When I initially heard about the event I was like “this is awesome” and I couldn’t wait for the event to occur. It really wasn’t until the event when I was standing in front of Austin St. John a.k.a Jason that I realized how huge something like this was to me. Anyone who knows me knows that on a long enough timeline knows that I will blabber on and on about Power Rangers. Ever since I was a kid I have to the point where I think people were just like “we get it stfu already.” I didn’t shut up and there were collective ugh’s and sighs whenever I brought up the topic. I didn’t care and looking back I realize that I shouldn’t have cared.
     Mighty Morphin Power Rangers hit television sets on August 28th 1993 and if I told you I remember exactly where I was when that show debuted that’d be a lie. During that time my miniature oversized self was going through a lot. My childhood home had burned down forcing my family to live in a homeless shelter for awhile. During which my mom became very ill and had to be hospitalized which in turn cause me and my older sister to live with our grandmother. Eventually my mother passed on to the next world subsequently making me a motherless and fatherless child.
     Despite all this I was completely and utterly enthralled with this group of teenagers from different backgrounds who were summoned together because they had “attitude” and when they were in trouble they would reach behind their backs and pull out belt buckles hold them out and scream the name of an animal from the age of dinosaurs. Doing this would put them in a costume composed of tightly fitting spandex and really cool motorcycle helmets. They would fight for awhile, get beat down, strategize and finally defeat the enemy. Then the lady who called for the monster’s creation would throw her wand down from the moon to the earth, the ground would open up causing smoke to come out causing the recently defeated monster to grow to epic proportions. This was no problem for these spandex clad heroes because they would put their hands up to the sky, once again calling the name of their animals causing giant mechanized versions of them to appear. They would fight the giant monster separately with their beasts but that seldom worked so they would combine their animals to create a giant humanoid robot to combat this giant monster terrorizing the city.
     Say what you want about this series or the concept I described, but to kids across the United States and around the world this was EPIC!! We all wanted to be Power Rangers and this caught on so well that we are 21 years removed from that original season and Power Rangers is still going strong. The children around the world like me grew up and still collect the action figures, some grew up to remake things like the morphers or weapons used in the show and some even grew up and donned the spandex of their favorite rangers to attend conventions and get opportunities to meet other former cast members.
     I still love Power Rangers and even got into the Japanese source series titled Super Sentai. When I was a child I wanted to be a power ranger so badly, not for the spandex suits or the giant robots. As a child who recently lost his home and eventually his mother I wanted the power to bring her back. I look back at this and I know the show never said anything about resurrecting the dead, however that show gave me and millions of others hope. My hope at the time may have been unrealistic and looking back it most certainly was however if I had the opportunity I would still be a power ranger. There were episodes where the odds were most definitely stacked against the Power Rangers and in those insurmountable odds there was an air of hoplessness. However they were very resilient and continued to fight even when their odds of victory were slim. When they put their passion behind it and that theme song came on fans new that it was about to get real. It was that “never give up” attitude that inspired millions around the world. Not only that when they weren’t transformed in spandex they were generally good people. They did what they could to make their community better even without super powers. This is why if I ever had the chance to be a Power Ranger I would jump at the opportunity as would countless others.
     My meeting with Austin St. John went somewhat like this. I walked up to him and shook his hand and he asked me how I was feeling. I wanted to be cool and collected in this moment, but I really couldn’t. The moment was almost surreal “This is heavy…” I responded. Austin immediately questioned my statement and I followed up with “20 years ago I used to rush home after school to watch you on TV and now I’m standing here shaking your hand.” He was cool, just smiled and said “You’re just saying this to make my ass feel old.” I was able to take a picture with him as I was holding my custom painted toy morpher and our interaction was over. The event went on, I got to chat with some cool fans of Power Rangers and Austin continued to shake hands, give out autographs and give special moments to others. The brevity of my moment is insignificant, the weight of the moment is. I couldn’t properly articulate it in the moment and it took me the rest of the day to thoroughly process what happened.
 This is what I have to say to Mr. St. John, he may never read this but it is what I have to say: Thank you for being an inspiration, not only to me and other children my age but an entire generation. Some of whom are passing the hope and inspiration on to their children so they can grow to be better people. Currently my hope is that I can do something along the lines of what you did and become a beacon of hope to others as well. I’m not entirely sure yet how, but hopefully I will figure it out soon. Keep being as awesome and as down to Earth as you were in our brief interaction and continue being Morphenomenal.
Sincerely, A lifetime fan

Friday, May 16, 2014

Pokemon is confused

I have to say I love Pokemon not only because the show, the card game and the game boy game was like a huge part of my childhood but the games continued to be good adventures that had me fully engulfed in the world. With that being said it seems that the world of Pokemon just doesn't know what to do with itself. Immediately I'm going to ignore the fact that this is a universe where people apparently stop aging at 10 until they become adults because it seems to be a common gripe. Ash will completely skip his teenage and young adult years if they ever decide to age him so fans will probably be pissed regardless. My main gripe with the series is that it just doesn't know what to do with itself. I haven't watched the show in years so the only thing I know about that is that Ash goes to new regions captures weak Pokemon, releases or just doesn't use his stronger bunch from other regions with the exception of Pikachu which is probably at level 500 by now. I have recently caught up on some of the movies though and I've noticed that each movie seems to give more ownership of the universe to Pokemon. It goes from a clone Pokemon and mew to Pokemon that have control over time and space and apparently a Pokemon that literally created the entire universe. This in itself isn't the confusing part about Pokemon, it's when you play Platinum and go to the Library and read the books. There is a book that says that Pokemon and humans were at one point indistinguishable from each other and lived together. This is where my confusion begins. This is also where I begin to wonder about this fictional history. At some point in that history there had to be some sort of Human uprising and if they were similar at one point what happened? I like the idea of expansion and development in a universe, however if your idea of expanding a universe is to make your history that convoluted I may not be with it. I can't be completely not with it because of the fact I am curious about the history and how it all ties together. Was there a human uprising against Pokemon, do the video game, movie and show worlds need to be kept in separate universes(Yes). I feel like early on in the Pokemon series they hinted at there being over hundreds of Pokemon so I don't think that the addition of new Pokemon is a bad thing. What I do think is a bad thing is when there's a Pokemon that is made out of a gear, a Pokemon that's a sword, and a Pokemon that looks like an ice cream cone. Like it went from hey we're discovering new creatures to hey I just found a random object, it might be a Pokemon! Should the Pokemon creators get their shit together? Totally not my call on that, they are doing what they're doing. They been rolling out games for awhile and they are doing well. I do think that as Pokemon expands they should also expand their games *Coughs*putitonaconsole*Coughs* but that's really up to Nintendo and Game freak.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014


"25 years and my life is still trying to climb up this great big hill of hope for a destination, I realized quickly as I knew I should that life was made up of this brotherhood of man or whatever that means, and so I cry sometimes when I'm lying in bed just to get it all out what's in my head" No real logical reason to start it off like that but I am. I've been away from this blog for awhile and I actually moved a bit away from creating for awhile. Most of my time away from this blog I haven't really contemplated topics for these, this post in particular ended up getting redone about three times before today. The driving force behind this being inactive was my literal interpretation of making a blog about artwork. Unfortunately life circumstances get in the way and most of the projects I wanted to work on got put on halt as I tried to take the helm and navigate this storm. Moving forward, I'm going to link this more to hobbies as well as main projects. I have a few topics that I want to cover both related to what I do as an artist and one of my primary hobbies which is gaming. There will be other topics that will be mixed in. Currently I'm working on a couple of paintings related to the college I attended in different ways but are developing to be intertwined. I will update on these at a later time. This is a quick update. Will post a new new blog next week.