Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year!!!!

First and foremost it's 2012!!!!! WOOHOOO!!!!
        Now down to business, last month I managed to do just as bad as I have been doing with updating this blog as I have every been. For that I apologize and I am trying to work on making it something I post in frequently to keep those updated and hopefully gain readers as time progresses. I have come to the conclusion that just writing about my work may not be exactly the greatest idea being as though creative projects are a process to make and I can only make so many posts about one particular project before it becomes redundant. Not to mention that there have been things I have wanted to write about outside of the realm of just my art being as I do many different creative projects. Ideally I wanted to get back into digital portraiture again, but I have not been taking full advantage of the time I have to do these things. I coulda lied and said I've been way too busy, but that's not my style.While I have spent the last month getting situated with my new job as well as working to complete these grad school applications, I have had time to relax and play video games. Now anybody who works probably enjoys time winding down after a long day of work but I have to admit, sometimes I take too much time to wind down and by time I really get the urge to do something, it's usually around 10-11 o'clock at night and I'm fighting irregular sleep patterns right now.
         Now as these deadlines approach, my nerves are breakdancing which is not a fun thing. I am trying to stay focused as well as work on other projects outside of the realm of oil painting until it gets a bit warmer and slightly more comfortable for me to work in my current studio space. I am also in the early parts of trying to resurrect Cracked Lemonade Productions. One thing you have to do is really keep track of your tools and have back-ups in case anything happens. Well my primary camera as well as my back-ups have all kicked the bucket and my laptop is not doing well either. It's going to be a long process, but I hope to be back in the flow of filming,editing and producing videos by the spring. Sorry for the brevity of this post, but I really don't have a particular subject to really go on about so to avoid sounding redundant I'ma end it here. I'm gonna also stop trying to post more often and post more often. If I get the try out of my head and just do there won't be any excuses. Happy 2012!!!!

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