Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Everything you want to know about me on YouTube

Just when I think I get better at updating, I just get worse. It's not like I haven't been writing either, it's just that sometimes I write something and halfway through I look at it and either don't want to finish it because of what I'm writing about or I feel as though something may be too personal for me to write about. The end result is no blog update. This post I actually wanted to make a couple weeks ago but I've been distracted with other things. I'm working on some different things right now. Mainly I'm trying to start making different kinds of videos. Which brings me to the meat of this post. Here are a few videos scattered around YouTube that tell bits of the tale of Dane. Take a look, and take a look at the channels they are posted on. I'ma try to get back in the pace of blogging again. Until next time!