Thursday, April 19, 2012

Holy Holograms Tupac!

On my personal Facebook page I've been going off about this all week and I'm really happy that Tupac came back as a hologram. I say this for many reasons other than the obvious of it being awesome. Since I was around thirteen I watched this show called Red Dwarf where the plot followed a lone guy marooned in deep space with a being that evolved from a cat and his old roommate who died but was brought back as a hologram. This show began around 1989 so the special effects and technology weren't on par with what we have now in terms of video but I'll be damned that this late 80's British Comedy predicted the future in terms of people dying and being able to interact with them after.
For the entire week I have been asking people left and right what they thought about the "return" of Tupac. Many folks were happy while others were weirded out but almost all of them said if that hologram went on tour they would go see it. I feel like that Pac hologram was just a little test to see if people wold wanna see it. Now there is a major opportunity to cash in on this whole Pac ressurection phenomena. This isn't the last we have seen of the Tupac hologram. While I'm on the subject they need to make Tupac, Biggie and Michael Jackson hologram concert. I'd go see that.

